Tuesday 16 September 2008

wood research hardwoods and softwoods

teak -
Origin Burma, India
teak is a hard wood that is very heavy in terms of weight and is also very strong, teak is a large growing tree and can grow up to 30-40 metres tall and is a deciduous tree

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Wood Research

wood has been used as a both structural material and a decorarive material for thousands of years , to prove shelter, furniture, personal decoration. Wood is probally the oldest known natural material used by humans. however, there is a major challenge to preserve resourses, in particular the slower growing hardwood trees

sources of wood
wood is a natuaral material and can be found all over the world wiht different species found in different areas. Approximately 80% of uk wood needs are supplied from other countries.

Types of wood
there are two different types of tree, namely hardwoods and softwoods the differnce between the two are botanial , in as much as hard woods are mainly deciduous broad-leaved species while softwoods are generally evergreen

Monday 1 September 2008

I Should Have Never Bought

i should have never bought a sony psp

Because they are over rated over priced,
it breaks easily, the one i bought broke lots of time the batery broke, the charger broke twice there were dead pixels on the screen when i bought it and scratches all over it! i paid £190 pounds for it when it first came out and i cant even sell it for 10 pounds now. it was a complete waste of money and if i had the chance over again i would have saved my money and bought some thing else
very time you bought a new game for your psp you had to install updates that took about 30 minutes to install and you couldn't just walk off and leave them installing either because it would to stand by and then when you finally get to play the game it was absolute rubbish and you should have got it on another console anyway
the headphones were rubbish and were meant to be comfortable but it was like trying to
shove a brick in your ear and they weren't at all loud even at full volume and then you had to go buy some new good ones
the USB port and cable was a waste of time as well your had to get it in the right position to the millimetre or it would just not work and just decide it dint ever want to work again then you had to pay about 5 ponds just to get another one flown in form Japan because curry's down the road didn't want to sell you one
thats why i should have never bought a Sony PSP